Historical A92 - Manual of Responsibilities (MOR)

Manual of Responsibilities (MOR) A92.2.2015

This MOR has been replaced with MOR A92.2-2021. MOR for Dealers, Owners, Users, Operators, Lessors and Lessees of Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotating Aerial Devices.

Manual of Responsibilities (MOR) A92.3-2014

This MOR has been replaced with MOR A92.22/A92.24-2021. MOR for Dealers, Owners, Users, Operators, Lessors and Lessees of Manually Propelled Elevating Aerial Platforms.

Manual of Responsibilities (MOR) A92.5-2014

This MOR has been replaced with MOR A92.22/A92.24-2021. MOR for Dealers, Owners, Users, Operators, Lessors and Lessees of Boom-Supported Elevating Work Platforms.

Manual of Responsibilities (MOR) A92.6-2014

This MOR has been replaced with MOR A92.22/A92.24-2021. MOR for Dealers, Owners, Users, Operators, Lessors and Lessees of Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms.

Manual of Responsibilities (MOR) A92.8-2011

This MOR has been replaced with MOR A92.22/A92.24-2021. MOR for Dealers, Owners, Users, Operators, Lessors and Lessees of Vehicle-Mounted Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Devices.