For Transport Platforms
Scope: This standard applies to Transport Platforms that are primarily used as a tool of the trade to vertically transport authorized persons, along with materials and necessary tools, to various access levels on a building or structure for construction, renovation, maintenance, or other types of work. Some of the key requirements of this standard include, but are not limited to the following:
Only authorized persons as defined by this Standard are permitted to be on the Transport Platform. The authorized persons shall have the necessary knowledge or experience or shall have received training prior to being on
- The Transport Platform. As a minimum, the training for Transport Platforms shall be the same as training requirements for scaffolds as set out in OSHA-CFR Subpart L, Scaffolds – 1926.454-Training Requirements.
- The maximum number of authorized persons permitted on the platform shall be limited to the number equaling no more than 50% of the platform-rated load capacity at 200 lbs per person.
- The maximum vertical travel speed of the Transport Platform shall not exceed 40ft/min (12m/min);
- The Transport Platform shall operate at a safe minimum travel distance of 18in (.46m) from the building or structure;
- The Transport Platform shall be operated from controls located on the platform by an authorized person trained by a competent person.